Monday, September 1, 2008

this and that

-I have been very sick this last week, and Bruce has helped me on two big jobs that I was working on. Getting up in the morning and going to my job with me, spackeling, sanding, painting, until it was time for him to go to his own job and work till midnight.

-He's a goofball. We were both painting in the same room the other day and Meatloaf was singing "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" in the living room (well, it was really coming from the stereo, but you know)and Bruce said, "you know, he's a lazy man, it takes a lot of energy to sleep all day". And I said "what are you talking about?" he proceeded to tell me how Meatloaf was telling the girl that he wanted to "sleep all day, baby baby let me sleep all day". I went into a dissertation about how he was saying Let me sleep on IT, and I'll give you an answer in the morning because the girl wanted a promise of love and marriage before she would *ahem*, because you know, why buy the cow if the milk is free? But he insisted I was wrong, and continued to sing "Let me sleep all day" for the rest of the song, and talk about lazy people even while Linda, the lady we were working for was singing the right words in the other room. I have a strong suspicion he was pulling my leg and singing these lyrics just for fun. Which it was, it made me laugh.

-Well, it's been one month since the big work out, BFL diet started. I tried on the dress, and it still doesn't fit. So, it has to be sent back. I won't lie. I am very, VERY, sad. I will not be defeated though, the workout and BFL will continue. I will look pretty on my wedding day.

-Bruce's outfit is complete except for the shoes. We got an exceptional deal on the slacks, so we went a little overboard and bought him the most beautiful Tommy Bahama shirt I've ever seen. I can't wait to see him wearing it with a pair of blue jeans on our honeymoon. -sigh-

-I took some pictures of the wedding preparations in their various stages, Bruce says it looks like we have buckets of autumn. that makes me smile. It makes me happy that we are doing so much of it together and so much of it will be reuseable. will post some pics soon.

-Oh yeah, the wedding cake is finally picked out, bought and paid for. Italian cream with butter cream frosting. Our first big disaster averted. The cake lady got ill, but the hairdresser directed us elsewhere and we got a great deal from well respected shoppe.

off to work on invitations.