Wednesday, March 18, 2009

after everything I've done for YOU

I've been thinking about anger a lot lately. Especially the things people say when they are angry and how they are interpreted, and intended.

One phrase in particular: How could you do that to me after everything I've done for you. My personal feeling is that we stop listening, or really, caring about whatever hurt (real or imagined) has occurred when we hear after everything I've done for you. I could write a whole post on that, but I digress. I know that sometimes the words are intended, just as said... but not always. I have a lot of experience at watching these words being hurled back and forth. And have been subjected to them a time or two myself. I have to believe that there is a better way to communicate these feelings more effectively and maybe accomplish forgiveness, healing & growth as opposed to raging anger and hurt feelings.

From watching the emotions in and on the person "saying" these words and trying to look beyond the WORDS themselves, here are a few interpretations:

Why did you break my heart like that?Why did you disappoint me?Why haven't you lived up to my expectations?How could you not meet my unrealized expectations?How could you not know me?Why don't you love me?You hurt me.You hurt me and I don't know how to deal with it.I don't understand your actions.I'm confused and scared.I'm angry and lashing out at you because you won't leave me.

of course, there is always: How could you do that to me after everything I've done for you?


Leslie Lauren said...

Where are you?? You haven't posted in forever!!