Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Conversations at Exit 0 (6/6/10)

Yesterday at Exit 0 I was standing next to the lunch table enjoying the unusually cool afternoon breeze and just listening to the chatter around me.  A fellow (whose name I don't know yet) walked over and asked me what kind of apples we were serving.  I said I wasn't sure what kind but I was sure that they are good!

I said "you know what they say, 'an apple a day'" as he rubbed the skin against his t-shirt.

He said, "I think it's more like the good Lord keeps the doctor away, you know what I mean?"  I said that yes indeed, I agreed wholeheartedly and that prayer makes a world of difference, as he was walking away.  For some reason that seemed to bring him back for more conversation.

He said,  "You know, it's true, even when you aren't doing ok. You know what I mean?"  I said that I did.  "No really, really do you know what I mean?  What do you think I mean by 'Not doin' ok?'"

I said "You mean, you aren't praying the way you think you should and being obedient".  That got me a smile and a head bob that said I was right.

After a second he said, "Let me give you an example, say your coming out of (and forgive me, I don't remember the name of the place but it's a racetrack) and you've lost your last $30 and you know it's wrong and God don't approve and you want to pray but you think 'I can't.  I done wrong and I can't pray and it aint about the money but I just can't pray'.  But you go ahead and pray and even though you don't get the money back, you feel better, you know what I mean?"

I told him I knew exactly what he meant!  I said "it's not like we can hide anything from God anyway.  He already knows our hearts, but He wants us to bring it to Him anyway."  That got me the fist butt handshake thing.  Even though he never told me his name, I sort of felt like I made a friend on Sunday.

When we had gotten everything loaded up and a few of us were still talking to Paul & Michelle, a man came over and asked for a drink.  He did not want any food, just a drink.  Paul got him a bottle of water and asked where he was going.  "I'm going to heaven" I heard him say.  I heard Paul say "That's wonderful, it's a beautiful place".  The man said, "I was on my way once, but my sister came, people are always interfering"......

I didn't get to hear the end of that conversation.  But it has stayed with me.  Where was he when he was on his way to heaven?  Under an overpass? In a hospital bed?  Did his sister keep him from going to heaven then leave him all alone?  I can still hear his voice when he said it, it sounded (to me) almost joyful.  I want to sound that way when it's my turn to say it