Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It's been a year since I posted. So much has happened. I watched Gabriel for 9 months, I had surgery on my leg, we went to VT for Christmas, I worked the summer at Home Depot.  There is much more I am sure, but that's the jist.

Well, now something really awesome is happening; the Mills are coming here for a week!!!  They will be here on Friday and my house is still kind of a wreck.  Yet, here I sit, having finally decided to update my blog.

I have some fun stuff planned for the week they are here.  We are going to go to the Louisville Science Center (Narnia Exhibit!!)  the Louisville Bats Museum (Norman Rockwell & Giant bats!)  The Falls of the Ohio (picnics, dog walking, scouting for rocks!) Click Party!! And best of all....TEA PARTY!!  My niece Brittany is going to come help us set up & I invited my niece Miracle (who will be turning 10 the day before) and 7 little girls from small group & my neighborhood.  I'm super excited. Hopefully I will have time to post pictures of the food & drink I plan to make.

Oh, I forgot one little detail....Taylor Swift & Need to Breathe at the Yum Center for Becky's birthday!
oh the fun we will have!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Everything is Spirtual.... but this is Peter Marshall

"There are men and women in the world today who say that God orders their lives, guides them in making decisions, provides for their needs, answers their prayers, in ways which are often strange and unexpected. That is the testimony of my own experience, and there are many here who could make the same statement; but, if you, yourself, have not had the experience in your life, don't be too quick to jump to the conclusion that we who say these things are daft, mad. In that mood, many of us approach spiritual things. We come, like Thomas, not doubting, but dogmatically refusing to believe unless we see, as if we could pour God into a test tube, as if intangibles had to become tangible in order to prove that they were intangible. There are certain things that must be approached in faith, things that are matters of perception, not of proof.
"'Beauty' is one of them.
"How can you prove that anything is beautiful? Could you demonstrate to me, by logic, or reason, or by intellect, that the Fifth Symphony, or the Moonlight Sonata, was sheer beauty?
"Can you prove, by any method of intellect, why a sunset is beautiful?
"Describe to me, scientifically, the haunting, wistful fragrance of a bunch of violets.
"Yet, you come here professing the faith which, for more than nineteen centuries, has borne witness to spiritual realities, and you ask if one can prove that God exists. You ask me to prove it! How could my tiny mind prove God? What kind of a God could my little mind prove? You might as well ask the bird to prove the air in which it flies, or the minnow to prove the sea in which it swims.
"Let me ask you to prove that you exist. I'd be interested in hearing you try.
"There are mysteries all around us, stirring, wonderful, inexplicable.
"Take, for example, the strange phenomenon of falling in love.
"Have you ever asked the question, 'How will I know when I fall in love?' I have. I've asked it of blondes and brunettes, of redheads and of bald heads, of people everywhere, and the strange thing is I've always received the same answer, namely, 'Don't worry, brother, you'll know.'
"Love, like beauty, like the haunting, wistful fragrance of violets, is a matter of perception and experience, not of proof. The great things by which we really live are not proven by logic, but by life; and, as that is true of love and beauty, so it is true of finding God and learning how close He stands to us."
-- "Peter Marshall," A Man Called Peter

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

wow 2 in 1 day :)

I don't know that I have ever experienced the heart of God as much as I have since Ruby Blue came into my life.  She is such a joy & such a terror at the same time.

There have been times in the last few months when I have literally been in tears because her behavior has been so naughty and just downright defiant.  She is completely outdoor trained now, finally at 1 year old (in a week).   And let me tell you, it's been a long road and we've had to sacrifice quite a chunk of carpet to the cause.  Well, the other day, she looked straight at me and squatted on the floor and peed! 

One day last week when she was being completely rotten, I said "Ruby Blue Faith! How can you be so rotten and so adorable at the same time?  How can I love someone as rotten as you?"  Then I thought to myself, does God ever look down at me and my behavior and think, Robin Danielle Faith, how can I keep loving someone as rotten as you?

Ruby Blue loves me unconditionally.  She loves me immediately after I discipline her.  She knows when she's done something wrong, she is sneaky and smart.  If she gets a swat or she goes to time out, she is itching to get right back to mommy. (even if it was daddy who did the punishing!)  When I come home or get up in the morning, it's like I have been gone for DAYS, she lavishes me with kisses and she is frantic to get into my arms. If Bruce is home when I pull up, he opens the door with her in his arms and she looks like a wind up toy on speed...all black fur flailing as she paws the air trying to run to mommy but not able to get out of daddies arms.  I'm constantly covered in scratches from our exchange of what's in my hands to his so I can take her.  But I don't feel them.  Since I can't have children, I imagine it's close to what mothers must feel.  It's similar to the joy I get when Becky runs to me or Kaleb says "hey Wobin!" or when Morgan opens the door and gives a gasp of joy or when any of my nieces or nephews hugs me and tells me they love me.  But Ruby Blue is never mad at me.  She always wants me. Even as I type, she is sleeping on me.  She started off on the back of the chair where I am sitting, but her hind end is now on my shoulder, if I were to move, her whole body would fall.  When I sit on the sofa or lay in bed, she curls up next to me and as the moments pass, she presses in to me.  The other day, as I was thinking about writing all this, the phrase "presses in to me" stuck in my head.  How many times have we heard the phrase, "press in to God" when we are in need?  I've heard it a million times if I've heard it once.  I always knew what it meant in my head, and I've had much opportunity to practice it over the years and especially this past year.  But suddenly, I have this new visual of "pressing in" and I am so excited because I love it when something practical relates to something spiritual (as it always does, when we open our eyes!)

here is Ruby Blue in time out last night, trying to worm her way off the chair and over to me

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Conversations at Exit 0 (6/6/10)

Yesterday at Exit 0 I was standing next to the lunch table enjoying the unusually cool afternoon breeze and just listening to the chatter around me.  A fellow (whose name I don't know yet) walked over and asked me what kind of apples we were serving.  I said I wasn't sure what kind but I was sure that they are good!

I said "you know what they say, 'an apple a day'" as he rubbed the skin against his t-shirt.

He said, "I think it's more like the good Lord keeps the doctor away, you know what I mean?"  I said that yes indeed, I agreed wholeheartedly and that prayer makes a world of difference, as he was walking away.  For some reason that seemed to bring him back for more conversation.

He said,  "You know, it's true, even when you aren't doing ok. You know what I mean?"  I said that I did.  "No really, really do you know what I mean?  What do you think I mean by 'Not doin' ok?'"

I said "You mean, you aren't praying the way you think you should and being obedient".  That got me a smile and a head bob that said I was right.

After a second he said, "Let me give you an example, say your coming out of (and forgive me, I don't remember the name of the place but it's a racetrack) and you've lost your last $30 and you know it's wrong and God don't approve and you want to pray but you think 'I can't.  I done wrong and I can't pray and it aint about the money but I just can't pray'.  But you go ahead and pray and even though you don't get the money back, you feel better, you know what I mean?"

I told him I knew exactly what he meant!  I said "it's not like we can hide anything from God anyway.  He already knows our hearts, but He wants us to bring it to Him anyway."  That got me the fist butt handshake thing.  Even though he never told me his name, I sort of felt like I made a friend on Sunday.

When we had gotten everything loaded up and a few of us were still talking to Paul & Michelle, a man came over and asked for a drink.  He did not want any food, just a drink.  Paul got him a bottle of water and asked where he was going.  "I'm going to heaven" I heard him say.  I heard Paul say "That's wonderful, it's a beautiful place".  The man said, "I was on my way once, but my sister came, people are always interfering"......

I didn't get to hear the end of that conversation.  But it has stayed with me.  Where was he when he was on his way to heaven?  Under an overpass? In a hospital bed?  Did his sister keep him from going to heaven then leave him all alone?  I can still hear his voice when he said it, it sounded (to me) almost joyful.  I want to sound that way when it's my turn to say it

Sunday, December 27, 2009

a new post, sort of

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Christmas gift that I never thought I'd say that it comes at the perfect time is putting it mildly. I'm ready to write again. Really ready. I just can't be shut up in the office all the time, and I can't sit on Bruces lap while he's playing World of Warcraft! Sounds sexy, but it's just annoying (on both counts)

I need a name for her and since I can't create a poll, as I am an unpaid user these day' will just have to leave me comments (I mean, If you want to) So basically mom and Hanna, I hope you agree! Wait, Charissa can break the tie if need be! I'm torn between GypsyAnna and LuJayne. I met a little girl at Kosair (she was a sibling) named LuJayne. Her dad told me that in Arabic it means silver :) she had a twin (they looked like they stepped out of a Louisa May Alcott book) named Jade, which in Arabic means grace & good manners.

To say that Ruby Blue is not a fan, is putting it mildly....

Thank you Santa Ninja Becca!!!I'm glad I drew your name & that I have a year to come up with your gift(s) but I know I can't top this!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

after everything I've done for YOU

I've been thinking about anger a lot lately. Especially the things people say when they are angry and how they are interpreted, and intended.

One phrase in particular: How could you do that to me after everything I've done for you. My personal feeling is that we stop listening, or really, caring about whatever hurt (real or imagined) has occurred when we hear after everything I've done for you. I could write a whole post on that, but I digress. I know that sometimes the words are intended, just as said... but not always. I have a lot of experience at watching these words being hurled back and forth. And have been subjected to them a time or two myself. I have to believe that there is a better way to communicate these feelings more effectively and maybe accomplish forgiveness, healing & growth as opposed to raging anger and hurt feelings.

From watching the emotions in and on the person "saying" these words and trying to look beyond the WORDS themselves, here are a few interpretations:

Why did you break my heart like that?Why did you disappoint me?Why haven't you lived up to my expectations?How could you not meet my unrealized expectations?How could you not know me?Why don't you love me?You hurt me.You hurt me and I don't know how to deal with it.I don't understand your actions.I'm confused and scared.I'm angry and lashing out at you because you won't leave me.

of course, there is always: How could you do that to me after everything I've done for you?