someone got a hair cut
he is so HAWT
mine is coming up next. how do you think I'd look, bald in a wedding dress?
um, no, read my lips, not gonna do it. (insert Dana Carvey impression)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Posted by Robin at 11:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bruce, cross posted from eljay
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
less than two months to go
Well on Monday morning, I broke through the 20 minute wall on the elliptical trainer. I did a little over 2 miles and 27 minutes. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it today, but I did, 25 minutes. It's hard not to get discouraged, watching Bruce do twice the distance in the same time, but I have to remember that he is 6 foot 3 and I'm barely 5'2. His stride IS longer. It is nice that he and Becca are working out with me. I am committed to not trying the dress on again until September 1, but I have lost 8 lbs in the last two weeks. I'm sticking to Body for Life, and just trying not to bulk up at all in the back/ chest area, thus the massive cardio.
In other news, I have given up the search for another corporate job (but not a part time job at night) and am going to continue pushing forward with my personal assistant work that I've been doing on the side. I'm so much happier doing it, I just need to bring in more clients.
Posted by Robin at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: cross posted from eljay, wedding, work, working out
Monday, August 18, 2008
more of this and that
My good friend Jenny had an end of Summer Lueau on Saturday. I took a few hours off and went over to visit with her. Her mom came over to pick up the baby, but her 5 year old stayed. Her mom told me this story.
"We were driving and M said 'Nan, how do they make bridges?' and I said, well you should probably ask Poppy, but you see those big concrete pillars? Well, they go down into the water and they hold the bridge up. The, M said to me, 'Nana, I think you got that wrong, cuz God made the world right?' and I said right. 'she said, well, I think he made the world first, then he made the people, then he made the animals, then he made the bridges, then he made the water. Because he would have to have floaties or something to make the bridges if he made the water first'"
We all agreed that M may not know her numbers, but she may be a philosopher.
Bruce and I had a movie day yesterday. We went to see Journey To The Center of the Earth. GO SEE IT. TAKE YOUR KIDS. Unless they have sensory issues. Then don't, see it first to determine if it is safe. I so wish we could take Jordan. But I am afraid it would trigger a seizure. I loved it. Even Bruce was smiling through it. He thought it was short, but then he said maybe it was because he was having so much fun.
Then we saw The Dark Knight. Wow. I thought the last one was great. But this one was really phenomenal. also, I don't want to over analyze anything to do with Heath Ledger, but wow, what a twisted character he had to play. I would not have been able to submerse myself into that psyche. He was totally believable. However, how about Gary Oldman. wow. It was all incredibly acted, by the whole cast. There is this song that I love by Chris Rice, called Sometimes Love. The line says, "Sometimes love has to drive a nail into it's own hand". When Commissioner Gordon's son asked why Batman was running when he hadn't done anything wrong, and he said, because he is the hero that we deserve, but not the hero that we need, and he can do that, because he's not a hero...that song went through my head. I saw that allegory in my mind. We're all looking for someone to lay down their life, their pride for us. How many of us actually see it. I don't think I look for these things, but I'm always seeing them in the most unexpected places.
Posted by Robin at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: cross posted from eljay